Tech Tip: Canvas Gradebook

When I saw this Tech Tip option, I was honestly surprised because I had no idea that Canvas had changed their Gradebook this semester. So, that shows how little noticeable differences there are, I suppose?

While reading through the Tech Tip, I did realize that there was one difference that I had noticed and that was the red "Missing" label next to assignments. I haven't seen that in this class, but I have seen it in one of my other classes that has a similar format to this one. For that class, there is a discussion post every week but we only need to participate in five, so the weeks that I haven't participated have the "Missing" label showing next to them in the Gradebook. I can see how this is useful in classes where every assignment is required, but personally I find it pretty stressful!

Before this Tech Tip, I didn't notice the new feature of being able to sort the assignments in Gradebook by different display options, but I do think it's a really useful feature. I think it is automatically displaying my assignments through due date, but I think I will try sorting by Module since it gives me a clearer view of what assignments are relevant for me each week.

I think the weekly totals display at the bottom of the Gradebook is really helpful for this class, since it's graded based on points. It's really convenient to be able to check my points each week and make sure I'm on target for the grade I'm aiming for!

(Image source: Max Pixel)


  1. Alyx, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your detailed observations about Canvas. The "missing" labels really made me upset and I complained loudly at Canvas about that... and a friend of mine there wrote a special javascript to remove them all! That's why you are not seeing them in this class. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with the professor in your other class, but if you have a good relationship with them and want to share the script so they can get rid of those missing labels too, here it is: Removing Missing and Late Labels. I just had to run it on the Gradebook and, presto, no missing labels will ever appear in this class! Or, if you want, you could just send me an email to let me know the name of the professor, and I would be glad to contact them. I am a huge fan of Canvas Community, but other people from OU don't hang out there. As you can see, though, it has big benefits: I could never have written a script like this using the Canvas API, but my friend there is an API guru and so he knew just what to do!


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