Week 8 Comments and Feedback
1. Feedback in. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the comments and feedback you are receiving from other students in the class? What kinds of comments are you finding to be the most useful?
I think the feedback I'm receiving has been really great! Everyone's comments are super positive, which has been really motivating in this class. I like how specific some of the comments are, either about things the commenter liked or things the commenter thought I could improve on. I think the specificity is the most useful aspect of the comments. Other really helpful comments point out typos or grammar mistakes that I made, which makes it really easy to improve on technical aspects of my writing.
2. Feedback out. Similarly, how would you rate the quality of the comments and feedback you are leaving for other students? Have you found some good feedback strategies? Are you getting some good ideas for your own writing as you analyze other people's writing?
Since I've found specific comments to be the most useful, I've tried to be specific in my comments on other people's writing. I also try to point out the things in their story that are working, both to be motivational and to provide a point of reference for what they're already really good at! One thing I've noticed is that the main improvements I suggest are grammar-related, so in the future I'm going to try to focus on commenting on possible ways to improve the story overall, and not just technically.
3. Blog comments. Do you have a sense of getting to know people by connecting with them at their blogs? Are you happy with how your Introduction post and how your blog in general provides a space where people can get to know you?
Although it's pretty hard to keep track of everyone in this class with all the different blogs and blog posts, I definitely feel like I've gotten to know at least a few people whose blogs I've visited multiple times. I think I definitely feel an overall sense of community, especially when I get email notifications that someone has left a comment on one of my blog posts. It's also fun to read through other people's comments on the posts I comment on, and kind of get a feel for how everyone reacted to the stories. I'm still happy with my Introduction post and my blog in general, and can't really think of anything that I'd like to change right now.
4. Looking forward. What do you want/need to do differently to make the feedback assignments more useful for others and/or more useful for you? Do you want to make any changes to your Comment Wall and/or your Introduction?
As I mentioned before, I think one thing I'm going to try to do differently on feedback assignments is to provide feedback on possible ways to improve the story other than just technical ways. I think this will also help me to improve my own stories, by allowing me to think critically about what makes a good story and how a good story can be made even better.
I think when I updated my Storybook site next, I'll also make some changes to my Comment Wall. Right now it's just pretty sparse, so I think I'd like to spruce it up a little bit.
I think the feedback I'm receiving has been really great! Everyone's comments are super positive, which has been really motivating in this class. I like how specific some of the comments are, either about things the commenter liked or things the commenter thought I could improve on. I think the specificity is the most useful aspect of the comments. Other really helpful comments point out typos or grammar mistakes that I made, which makes it really easy to improve on technical aspects of my writing.
2. Feedback out. Similarly, how would you rate the quality of the comments and feedback you are leaving for other students? Have you found some good feedback strategies? Are you getting some good ideas for your own writing as you analyze other people's writing?
Since I've found specific comments to be the most useful, I've tried to be specific in my comments on other people's writing. I also try to point out the things in their story that are working, both to be motivational and to provide a point of reference for what they're already really good at! One thing I've noticed is that the main improvements I suggest are grammar-related, so in the future I'm going to try to focus on commenting on possible ways to improve the story overall, and not just technically.
3. Blog comments. Do you have a sense of getting to know people by connecting with them at their blogs? Are you happy with how your Introduction post and how your blog in general provides a space where people can get to know you?
Although it's pretty hard to keep track of everyone in this class with all the different blogs and blog posts, I definitely feel like I've gotten to know at least a few people whose blogs I've visited multiple times. I think I definitely feel an overall sense of community, especially when I get email notifications that someone has left a comment on one of my blog posts. It's also fun to read through other people's comments on the posts I comment on, and kind of get a feel for how everyone reacted to the stories. I'm still happy with my Introduction post and my blog in general, and can't really think of anything that I'd like to change right now.
4. Looking forward. What do you want/need to do differently to make the feedback assignments more useful for others and/or more useful for you? Do you want to make any changes to your Comment Wall and/or your Introduction?
As I mentioned before, I think one thing I'm going to try to do differently on feedback assignments is to provide feedback on possible ways to improve the story other than just technical ways. I think this will also help me to improve my own stories, by allowing me to think critically about what makes a good story and how a good story can be made even better.
I think when I updated my Storybook site next, I'll also make some changes to my Comment Wall. Right now it's just pretty sparse, so I think I'd like to spruce it up a little bit.
Image courtesy of the Growth Mindset blog
I chose this particular image because I feel like it's a lesson that I sort of knew, but only really believed once I started working in this class. Before I had the attitude that I would write when I was feeling creative and inspired, but being forced to write every week and then receive feedback on that writing has been super helpful for not only my writing but my creative process in general. The best way to improve really is just to do, and then listen to what others have to say about how you did!
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